The very best businesses are the ones which send out the message to their clients that they are buying into quality. In the days of technological revolution and the internet, clients are becoming better informed and a lot choosier in their habits. They want to know that they are getting value and quality for their hard earned money.In the past it might have been possible to get away with a sub-standard product or service for some time but now it is almost impossible. The reality is that even now the best marketing is word of mouth and recommendation. If you provide a top class service in a particular area then people will know about it and the benefits to your business will be endless. This means that if you want to own the top brand then you have to have the best product of service. It really is that simple!
Quality is king and clients instinctively look for quality both in the case of products and services. Top brand typically is guarantee of top class quality.
What makes one law firm better than the other ones?
It is very hard to say but there are ways to measure it. This is the role of law firms directories such as The Legal 500 and Chambers&Partners (both based in London) which annually present a ranking of law firms broken down into tiers. The best firms are listed in Tier 1, the next group is Tier 2 and so on. The rankings, divided into various categories, are based on the scrupulous research done by experts, which includes talking to clients and going behind answers.
The Private Client category has been attracting a lot of attention recently as the corporate world is going through difficult times. The Private Client category encompasses private banking, inheritance, family law and divorces, restitution of property, citizenship issues, defamation and many related matters. This is a category which is particularly important for individuals and their families because it refers to their private lives and sensitive private matters. When it comes to safeguarding a client’s reputation, protecting the personal data, demanding privacy, arranging for child custody or restitution of property – each of these cases become often “the matter of life and death” and there can be absolutely no compromise as to the skill of lawyers involved. People need top class quality.
The same process can be observed in Poland. The Private Client sector is growing dynamically in regard to both domestic and cross-border matters.
Therefore, the first ever ranking of law firms specializing in the Private Client category in Poland (announced by Legal 500 EMEA last month) is more than welcome. Only two law firms have been ranked in Poland as Tier 1 firms in this year’s Private Client category - Wozniak Legal and Wardynski& Partners.
It has been the first historic ranking made by Legal 500 EMEA in the Central and Eastern Europe in this prestigious category and it seems to be a very good move. Poland has been a mature marketplace for some time and the lack of rankings in this category has been noticeable.
Top brands can take years to build, but the rewards for a business will make up for all the effort and hard work.
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