
deeper understanding better solutions
International Arbitration
Dispute resolution can be a sensitive matter for businesses and in many cases a less public and adversarial forum is preferable for all parties involved.
Arbitration is a long established dispute resolution method in Europe but also in the UK and US. Arbitration is increasingly gaining acceptance in other markets, particularly for commercial disputes with an international element, generally offering easier enforcement of cross-border decisions than litigation, bringing with it a number of benefits:
  • a faster and less costly resolution: By implementing a streamlined procedure, costs can be significantly reduced and a resolution reached more quickly;
  • a confidential procedure: Minimising reputational damage since decisions reached are in total confidence;
  • a more flexible process: This can be designed to accommodate the respective needs of both parties.
We represent clients in arbitration proceedings before permanent arbitration courts in Poland (such as the Court of Arbitration at the Polish Chamber of Commerce and the Court of Arbitration at Confederation Lewiatan) and international arbitration institutions (such as the International Chamber of Commerce, the Vienna International Arbitral Centre and the London Court of International Arbitration), ad hoc arbitration under Uncitral Rules, mediation and conciliation proceedings, and settlement negotiations.
We provide strategic, commercially-minded advice for clients across a broad range of sectors. Our focus is always on using the flexible arbitration process to get the result which best suits our clients’ needs. This includes:
  • expertly crafting the arguments to win at a hearing;
  • setting up a strong position for effective negotiation;
  • identifying bespoke, creative solutions.
We fully understand the intricacies and tactics of the arbitral process and we are experts at using it effectively to maximise the benefit for our clients.
Our arbitration lawyers guide clients through all stages of the process. We advise at the pre-dispute stage of drafting arbitration clauses and handle any dispute from the outset of arbitral proceedings (including the selection of the tribunal and all preliminary arguments) through to any hearings.
We also advise on any post-arbitration issues, such as challenges or appeals against the arbitral award and on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards both under Polish law and pursuant to the New York Convention of 1958.

Read more:
- How to obtain a freezing injunction in Poland? (16/12/2022)
Jak uzyskać zabezpieczenie roszczenia? (19/12/2022)
