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Woźniak Legal
ul. Śniadeckich 17
00-654 Warsaw, Poland

+48 22 609 08 40

+48 22 609 09 19


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Who we are

excellence integrity experience independence
We are an independent, Warsaw based business full-service law firm, specialising in providing straightforward legal advice to international and Polish businesses and high-net-worth individuals.

With over 20 lawyers in our Warsaw office, we are well suited to provide a full range of services to fast-growth businesses at all stages of their life cycle.

The firm was established in 2007 by Grzegorz Woźniak, who acquired his professional experience with Allen & Overy Warsaw, where he worked for 15 years and was involved in many transactions.

We are more than just transaction lawyers, we care. We care about our clients and the advice we give.

We are known for our adroit handling of complex cases and deep knowledge of the Polish law in the context of international business practices.

While we are based in Warsaw, we’re connected and we operate internationally. Around 70 per cent of our work comes from abroad. In an increasingly globalised world, our clients' needs often have an international component and the requirement for international advice is growing.

The need for international advice will only increase in the coming years and therefore it is vital for you to use a firm which can provide that advice.

„We're proud of our journey. We are evolving
and growing every day. And just like our clients, we are ambitious and moving forward.”

Grzegorz WoŹniak
Managing Partner